Assicurazione della qualità

Quality Praesidium

The Quality Praesidium of the Scuola Normale has the task of designing the AQ system and guaranteeing its correct functioning for all areas of interest of the Scuola – Teaching, Research, Third Mission and Services – as well as promoting a culture of quality throughout the organization.

The Praesidium is appointed by Director’s Decree and generally includes teaching staff (at least two lecturers) and technical administrative staff (at least two units) who can guarantee the necessary technical skills to satisfy the envisaged quality assurance processes. The members remain in office for three years and can be renewed.

Guidelines for the functioning of the Quality Praesidium


The Quality Praesidium of the Scuola was appointed by the Director’s decree no. 596 of 11 November 2019. Director’s decree no. 826 of 6 December 2021, later integreted with the Director’s decree no. 117 of 10 February 2022 and the Director’s decree no. 904 of 29 November 2022.

  • Deputy Director, in the person of Professor Alessandro Schiesaro, with the role of President;
  • Dean of the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, in the person of Professor Stefano Carrai;
  • Dean of the Faculty of Sciences, in the person of Professor Andrea Ferrara;
  • Dean of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, in the person of Guglielmo Giuseppe Maria Meardi;
  • Head of the Polo Fiorentino Area, in the person of Dr. Gesualdo Daniele Maria Altamore;
  • Head of the Teaching and student Service (Pisa), in the person of Dr. Claudio Manfroni;
  • Head of the Research and innovation Area, in the person of Dr. Pasqualantonio Pingue;
  • Head of the Cultural events and internationalisation Area, in the person of Dr. Elisa Guidi;
  • Head of the ICT Projects and services Area, in the person of Dr. Larissa Zoni.

The student component, which integrates the team, is represented by the student Ottavia Casagrande of the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy, by the student Giorgio Conter of the Faculty of Sciences, by the student Clelia Li Vigni of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences.

Support structure

Organization and Evaluation Office

Last update

17 October 2023, 12:06