The Linee guida per l’accreditamento iniziale e periodico delle Scuole Superiori a Ordinamento Speciale (the Guidelines for the initial and periodic accreditation of Higher Education Institutes with Special Status), defined by ANVUR with reference to Ministerial Decree no. 439 of 05/06/2013 and taking into account the experience gained in AVA, specify the procedures and evaluation criteria for the initial and periodic accreditation of Higher Education Institutes with Special Status.
For the purposes of initial Accreditation, the Scuola must certify the possession of the requirements, described in the Guidelines, which ANVUR is called upon to verify and monitor during an initial phase with appropriate documentation and during a second phase with on-site checks by appropriately selected experts who make up the Commissione di Esperti per la Valutazione delle Scuole Superiori (CEVS) (the Commission of Experts for the Assessment of Higher Education Institutes). Based on the analysis of all the documentation indicated above and on the verification of the qualitative and quantitative standards envisaged for the Scuole, the CEVS are required to formulate, and communicate, an overall assessment in relation to the compliance with the requirements set out in Ministerial Decree 439/2013 and with the quality assurance requirements stated in Ministerial Decree 987/2016, in accordance with which ANVUR defines its own accreditation proposal.
The documentation made available to the CEVS through the SUA-Scuole portal by the Scuola Normale can be found in the attached sections.
Last update
7 October 2020, 10:01